Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

Galletas - $4
Sánguches - $2,5
Té/Café - $1
Jugo fresco - $2

+34 616642517
Anna Macau is a Spanish artist, dancer, choreographer and artistic director who is based between Barcelona and Madrid. She graduated in Contemporary Dance at Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, and since then she has been part of many national and international dance projects. As a dancer she had been working with Plan B dance company, Tuixén Benet, La Fura dels Baus, Oh Happy Day TV3, Cia Mar Gómez or Javiera Mena Tour. As a choreographer she has worked with many different artists choreographing music videos, shows, and tv spots for prestigious companies such as El Terrat, CANADA, Agosto, O producciones, among others. Her career brought her to travel to Japan, China, South Korea, Russia, South America and Europe. Her interest in arts, education and culture led her to create her own project "Silver Drops", and to participate as assistant director in Dadà Barcelona. She also has a Master in Cultural Management (UOC) and a degree in Education (UAB).